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We have a lot of fun around the farm, not just with horses.

Frenchie Henrietta Bawkbawk

KCF Open Flower Show awards

Sondra finds lots of random iron, she probably should have been a prospector. Here's Mike holding a 6foot tall motorgrader blade she found!^

Frenchie Henrietta Bawkbawk, Farm Inspector.

We had an adult Easter Egg hunt this year!

^ Some of the chickens tilling a garden area.


Kathy and Sondjia at a St. Patrick's day bagpipe pub raid by the King County Firefighters Pipes and Drums

A few years ago, Sondjia bought a zucchini for dinner and threw the seeds out back. Now we have random squash that have hybridized themselves with the couple other ones that made it out there. The zuchinni and summer squash have won awards at the Washington State Fair for largest in their category!

Frenchie doing one of her inspections. She also inspects cabs of cars and trucks as well as horse stalls after we clean them. She's very thorough.

Most of the squash in this picture are over 9 pounds each! Several were close to 20lbs!


Our Morgan Horses, 2013

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